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Day Care in Toronto - Main 3
Parents Corner

click here to download the entire Parent Handbook

Parent Contract

Centre Initiated Withdrawal Policy

Infant Room-Sleep Room Policy and Procedure

Parent Issues and Concerns Policy and Procedures

Privacy Act

Program Statement Implementation Policy

Safe Arrival and Dismissal Policy and Procedures


Teacher – parent discussion about the developmental progress of each child is encouraged on a regular basis:

  1. Monthly observations are done on the children's skills and abilities and the staff plan there program to high light the children's developmental needs, the teachers refer to the elect document and focus on the children's skills using the domains. We encourage parents to offer us input and to participate in their child's learning by providing any skills that they may have or any cultural items you can bring in for us to introduce to our program. Your child's portfolio is located in the room for you to view.
  2. Parent meetings and interview are held once a year.
  3. Parents are welcome to spend time with their child at the centre, however if your child is unable to deal with separation it is in the best interest of your child that you do not visit unless you will be taking your child home.
  4. Parents are encouraged to participate in fundraising and evening planned events throughout the year.
  5. Parents are encouraged to take any resource material we have on hand

This interaction strengthens staff-parent relations, enhances our program through parental input and assistance, and assists our staff in understanding the children and parental needs.

In addition, when fundraising, holding parents socials, or workshops, we are extremely pleased to have parental support and participate.


Harassment and Discrimination Policy, Parent and Child Code of Conduct Bill 168

Every employee, parent and child has the right to an environment free from harassment and discrimination. Under the Human Right Code there are also specific provisions for guaranteeing individuals the right to be free from sexual harassment. At a Child Care Centre, it is absolutely essential that we respect the right of children, parents and employees to be free of either harassment or discrimination because of their race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, background, citizenship, religious belief, creed, gender, sexual orientation, age, record of provincial offences, marital status, family status, disabilities and or handicap.

Suspicion Of Child Abuse/Neglect

Air-O-Down Child Care Centre’s staff is legally responsible for reporting and suspicions of the child abuse/neglect, not for providing whether or not child abuse/neglect has occurred. It is the responsibility of a children’s aid society to investigate, with police where necessary, gather evidence, assess the child and family’s Situation, and decide on the appropriate action to be taken on behalf of the child.

Withdrawal from Centre

Air-O-Down Child Care Centre will make every effort to accommodate all children in the program. This is accomplished by observation of individual children and the entire group, gathering additional information from parents, child care and school teachers and other appropriate professionals(with proper release of information), and developing the program to meet the needs of both the child and the group.

There may however, be unusual situations in which the regular program cannot meet the needs of some children. In this case, the board of Directors, in consultation with the staff, has the right to decide whether a child should be withdrawn. This will be done if necessary a decision will be made with the consideration of the best interest of the child, and safety of the group. In case of a withdrawal Toronto Children Services will be notified.

Wherever possible, the decision to withdraw a child, the following process will occur:

  1. Documentation
    • At the onset of problems, his/her teachers will record the child’s behavior. Included, should be any precipitating incidents and the follow-up by staff, according to the Centre’s behavior management policy. When incidents occur, parents/guardians will be informed.
  2. Meeting
    • If problem persist, a meeting will be held with the child’s parent(s), the Staff, the Centre’s Director and Board Member. Notes of the meeting will be kept in the child’s file and a copy will be given to the parents/guardians.
  3. Outside Agencies
    • If the behavior persists, the Centre may seek involvement from outside agencies.


As well as dealing with problems arising from discrimination or sexual harassment, it is important that parents, children and employees be free from harassment arising from other causes as well. For example, it is important that behaviour of parent does not create differential treatment for that parent’s child and vice versa. It is important that staff not be subject to unnecessary or uncalled abuse from parents. This policy is intended to: 1. Provide guidelines with respect to communication between parents and staff;

  1. Provide guidelines with respect to communication between parents and staff;
  2. Provide a procedure to be used by either parent or staff to resolve problems between them;
  3. To prevent discrimination or harassment and to provide a means to deal with such behaviour should it arise;
  4. To promote a friendly and professional supportive and satisfying environment for the parents, children and employees of the Child Care Centre.

Interactions between Parents and Employees

The employees of the Child Care Centre are expected to respond to the parents in a courteous and professional manner. We expect that the parents will reciprocate, if parents have concern in which they wish to discuss with an employee, we expect the parents to do so in a polite and supportive manner. Parents should under no circumstances question staff in front of other children. If a parent has a complaint that required some time for discussion, the parent should advise the Executive Director of the Child Care Centre to provide an appropriate time to adequately deal with the problem. In the event that a parent insists on a discussion of these problems in front of the children in a disruptive way, the employee will be instructed to politely indicate that such discussion will not be permitted to take place in that format the parent will be referred to the Executive Director.

Suspicion Of Child Abuse/Neglect

Air-O-Down Child Care Centre’s staff is legally responsible for reporting and suspicions of the child abuse/neglect, not for providing whether or not child abuse/neglect has occurred. It is the responsibility of a children’s aid society to investigate, with police where necessary, gather evidence, assess the child and family’s Situation, and decide on the appropriate action to be taken on behalf of the child.


Air-O-Down Child Care Centre believes that behaviour management must be exercised in such a way that the rights of the child are respected and the child’s self-esteem is enhanced. The building blocks of co-operation between adults and children are:

  1. Respect for the child
  2. An atmosphere of trust and acceptance
  3. Appropriate programming, and acceptance
  4. Age appropriate expectations

According to the Day Nurseries Act, the following will not be permitted:

  1. Corporal punishment of a child by a staff person, student or volunteer
  2. Deliberate harsh or degrading measures to be used on a child that would humiliate a child or undermine a child’s self-respect.
  3. Deprivation of a child of basic needs including food, shelter, clothing or bedding.
  4. Lock or confine a child in a room separate from other children or adults.

Air-O-Down Child Care Centre Provides care to all children and children come to the centre with a variety of needs. As result incidents however rare may occur at the centre. Air-O-Down Child Care Centre does not endorse any method of physical restraints. Physical restraint is only used in situations where a child is in imminent danger of compromising the safety to themselves or other children in the program. Guidelines for de-escalating volatile situations are set out and can be viewed at parental request.
Withdrawal from Centre

Air-O-Down Child Care Centre will make every effort to accommodate all children in the program. This is accomplished by observation of individual children and the entire group, gathering additional information from parents, child care and school teachers and other appropriate professionals(with proper release of information), and developing the program to meet the needs of both the child and the group.

There may however, be unusual situations in which the regular program cannot meet the needs of some children. In this case, the board of Directors, in consultation with the staff, has the right to decide whether a child should be withdrawn. This will be done if necessary a decision will be made with the consideration of the best interest of the child, and safety of the group. In case of a withdrawal Toronto Children Services will be notified.7 Wherever possible, the decision to withdraw a child, the following process will occur:

  1. Documentation
    At the onset of problems, his/her teachers will record the child’s behavior. Included, should be any precipitating incidents and the follow-up by staff, according to the Centre’s behavior management policy. When incidents occur, parents/guardians will be informed.
  2. Meeting
    If problem persist, a meeting will be held with the child’s parent(s), the Staff, the Centre’s Director and Board Member. Notes of the meeting will be kept in the child’s file and a copy will be given to the parents/guardians.
  3. Outside Agencies
    If the behavior persists, the Centre may seek involvement from outside agencies.


Labour Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, and Civic Day. The Child Care Centre follows the days of closure based on the Toronto District school board.

Earlier closure does occur on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve when the centre closes at 1:00p.m. Parents will be notified in advance if the childcare centre is closed any additional days due to the Board of Education Policy.


If your child (ren) will be absent, you must notify the centre before 9:00a.m…. Subsidized families need to be aware of their used days.


Families who receive City of Toronto Subsidies are entitled to take up to thirty five (35) days off each calendar year (January-December). This includes time due to illness or vacation. Please note: If you take more than thirty-five days, you will have to pay Air-O-Down full fee rate for the extra days. Air-O-Down collects a five day deposit on the full fee daily rate and this can be paid monthly or all at once.
Parents must abide by subsidy policies and procedures, failure to do so will result in withdrawal of your child.

Non-Guaranteed Space in Centre

Air-O-Down Child Care cannot guarantee that your child is able to remain in the Centre until he/she reaches 4 years of age.


Parents are requested to keep informed about any snowstorm warning through the media. When the morning weather is Parents are requested to keep informed about any snowstorm warning through the media. When the morning weather is extreme, it is the parents’ responsibility to make alternative arrangements to pick up their child early. If there is a severe storm during the night please call the centre and listen to the message "if the centre is closed".

Outdoor play

The Ministry requirement is two (2) hours of outdoor play on a daily basis weather permitting, we will go outside between 9:30-10:00 a.m. depending on the age group and return indoors by 11:00 a.m. due to sunrays we will return outdoors after 3:00 p.m. During the winter season children will not go outdoors if the temperature is –10 or the wind-chill is –10 or more. During the warmer months and the sunrays are the strongest between 11:00a.m. -4:00p.m. The childcare Centre will plan activities before and after this time whenever possible. Smog alerts (periods of poor quality), Toronto Public Health recommends outdoor playtime or exercise to be rescheduled until alert is no longer in effect. We will check smog conditions daily and plan accordingly.

Please ensure your child is dressed appropriate for the season.

Smoke-Free Ontario Act

No person is to be observed smoking or handling a cigarette in the child care or on the playground whether or not children are present. "No Smoking" signs are posted at all entrances and exits of the child care centre, including washrooms.


Arrival and departure times need to be maintained on a consistent basis, a regular time schedule is essential for the young children. Regular drop off and pick-up times maintain your child (ren)’s sense of security and will begin the process of understanding the concept of time (i.e. "you will be picked up from school after your afternoon snack")

Parents must drop their child off directly to the room in which they are enrolled. For the safety of your child, it is important that parents confirm that a staff member is in the room and knows that your child has arrived. Parents need to sign in and the staff will verify the arrival of your child when they enter the room. If there are any issues of which staff should be aware regarding your child's health it should be shared with the teacher at the time of drop off. This is also good time to share information with your child's teacher about your observations regarding your child's development or interests that will help the staff in planning activities for your child and the others in the room.

Children can be picked up at any time before 6:00 pm, by a parent, guardian or a person who has received authorization from the child's parent to pick-up. It is important that you make sure that the staff is aware that your child is leaving the program for the day. At pick up, please also take a moment to speak to your child's teacher who will tell you about your child's day. The staff will verify the departure of your child each day.

Many families have a support system of people who will also pick up their child at the end of the day. Please ensure that the staff are aware when alternate arrangements for pick-up have been made by providing us with the person's name and contact information. Children will not be released to any person without authorization or confirmation from the parent. The person will be required to provide identification. If staff are not aware of alternate arrangements staff are required to confirm with the parents by phone and verify identification before releasing the child. We encourage you to provide contact information in advance for anyone who the child may be released to other than yourself. A consent form is available for you to fill out if a consistent person will be picking up.

Late Pick Up of Your Child

Air-O-Down CCC operate from 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Parents should plan to leave enough time to pick up their child, communicate with the staff about their child’s day and gather all belongings prior to the centre’s closing time.

If a situation arises where you will be arriving late to pick up your child, please notify the centre as soon as possible. In these circumstances, we encourage you to have alternative pick-up arrangements in place so your child is picked up as soon as possible. If the centre has not been contacted by the parent(s) to notify staff that they will be late to pick up their child staff will attempt to reach one of the child's emergency contacts that you provided. If the parents and emergency contacts cannot be reached by 7:00 pm, as a last resort, staff will contact the appropriate Child Protection Agency.

If repetitive late pickups occur the Supervisor will bring it to the attention of the Board of Directors and meet with the parent to discuss and determine whether the centre hours meet the family's needs. If continued lateness is expected or continues the Supervisor will support the family to explore alternate child care arrangements that are more suitable to the family’s needs. A notice of withdraw from care may be issued by the Board of Directors for unresolved patterns of lateness.

The following late fees will apply at 6:00p.m. :

  1. Late fees are charge "per family" and not ‘per child.
  2. 1st late -$5.00+ $1.00 per min. until 6:10 p.m. and $2.00 per min. thereafter.
    2nd late - $5.00+$2.00 per min.
    3rd late - $5.00+$2.00 per min. and a letter explaining the consequences of further lateness.
    4th late - $5.00+$2.00 per min. and a letter requesting the withdrawal of your child (ren) as of 10 days from receipt of the letter.
  3. If any late fees are not paid within 5 days of the "late", a $10.00 levy will be added to the amount owing. If another 5 days pass, a letter requesting withdrawal of your child (ren) will be given to you.
  4. If the centre is unable to reach a parent, or emergency contact person, by 7:00 p.m., Children’s Aid and the Police have to be contacted, in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Education.

Release of Child

The centre will not release any child to any person suspected of being under the influence. The centre, is obligated by law to ensure that no child enter a motor vehicle with a person suspected of intoxication and reserves that right to insist that a taxi or another authorized person be called to accompany the child home. Should this person attempt to leave the centre with the child who is thought to be in danger, the staff reserves the right to call the police.

Age Requirements of a person picking up your child must be over the age of 14 years. Any sibling under that age must have permission from signed by the parent(s) releasing the centre of any responsibilities for any incidences that may occur with the person under age.

Children will be allowed to leave the centre only with their parent or those persons listed on the child (ren)’s Family History Form with notification from the parent (via message, phone call)

The parent MUST send a signed note of consent if someone is scheduled to pick the child. The centre reserves the right to request identification from those receiving the child. The teachers will not allow a child to leave the centre with a person they do not know unless these precautions have been taken. We ask the parents to call the centre to authorize and notify us that there will be another pick-up person for your child we request you contact the centre to confirm that your child has been picked up.


Children of parents enrolled in Downsview Secondary School or Madonna High School must have their child(ren) in by 8:45 a.m. and picking-up no later 3:30 p.m. If you are attending other school you have one hour from your last class to pick up your child at the centre.
Parents on job search also need to pick up their child (ren) by 4:30 p.m. All other parents have one hour to pick up child (ren) after their shift.


Children will be allowed to leave the centre only with their parent or those persons listed on the child (ren)’s Family History Form with notification from the parent (via message, phone call,)
The parent MUST send a signed note of consent if someone is scheduled to pick the child. The centre reserves the right to request identification from those receiving the child. The teachers will not allow a child to leave the centre with a person they do not know unless these precautions have been taken. We ask the parents to call the centre to authorize and notify us that there will be another pick-up person for your child we request you contact the centre to confirm that your child has been picked up.


The parents must inform the centre, in writing, if their child (ren) is; or become involved in a custody or access dispute.
If you are concerned about a possible confrontation at the Centre involving the non-custodial parent, the centre may request that you keep your child home until the situation has legally resolved. In the event of a dispute over legal access to a child by the non-custodial parent, the Centre must be provided with copies of any legal document, enabling our staff to call police if necessary.

*Please note; when one parent has legal rights there must be a legal document starting the agreement in your child’s file.
Supervised visitation by a parent having custody issues are not allowed on the centre property


It is imperative for Air-O-Down Child Care Centre to have, on file, all current information to best meet the needs of your family. All information provided by the parents must be update as necessary. We need parents to up-date their work/home/cell numbers and address as a change occurs.

Privacy Policy

Air-O-Down Child Care Centre collects, uses, and discloses personal information for purpose limited to those, which are related to the provision of childcare centre services. Staff , Students Teachers and Volunteers sign non-disclosure/confidentiality agreements that include provisions for legal and ethical handling of all information pertaining to clients of Air-O-Down Child Care Centre .(Policy enclosed for parents signatures).


There are a number of Licensing Regulations involved in giving medication to children in a Child Care Program. These rules and Regulations are written to protect the teachers as well as the children and must be adhered to by all teachers and parents.

  1. A DOCTOR MUST PRESCRIBE ALL MEDICINES. This means a pharmacists’ label must be attached to such drug such as "Tempera", or may be accompanied by a doctor’s note only if the child has a Febrile Seizures.
  2. No Medication will be given if it has not been prescribed to another member of the family. It must have your child’s name on the label.
  3. Medication will not be administrated if expiry date is evident
  4. The MEDICATION FORM must be filled out and signed each day by the parent. Ditto marks are not acceptable. All sections of the form must be completed with times and names of medication and to be signed by parent.

We are aware that parents are often in a hurry in the morning so we try to make forms as simple and convenient as possible. Since the Child Care Centre is bound by these Regulations, medicine will only be given if all of the above regulations are followed.

Please Note: It is extremely helpful to the teachers if medicines are placed in a plastic bag with and spoon, and placed in to the locked medicine boxes either located in the cupboard or refrigerator (depending on the medicine). Parents are required to take any expired or medication that is no longer to be administered to the child at the centre home or for disposal at a pharmacy.


ALLERGIES and Anaphylactic Allergies

If your child has an allergy that requires the administration of an EpiPen, please notify the supervisor immediately to ensure that the necessary documentation and actions are taken to ensure your child's health and safety. You will be required to provide written and specific details of your child's allergy and symptoms of an allergy reaction from a medical practitioner including a prescribed EpiPen. All allergies will be listed in each of the programs to ensure all staff are aware and can respond appropriately to any potential reactions. A copy of the AODCCC Anaphylaxis Policy and Procedure and all required documents will be provided to you.

To ensure the well-being of children who have anaphylactic allergies, it is imperative that an EpiPen is available at the Centre at all times. A child who requires an EpiPen due to a severe allergy will not be accepted into care without their prescribed and current EpiPen. If a child no longer requires an EpiPen, a note from a medical practitioner confirming this information will be required. These practices are in place for the health and safety of your child.



Scent-Free Policy

Due to the health concerns arising from exposure to scented products, Air-O-Down Child Care Centre. has instituted this policy to provide a scent-free environment for all employees and visitors.


The use of scented products will not be allowed within the building at any time. In addition, all materials used for cleaning will be scent-free. A list of locally available scent-free products is available from the health and safety office. Procedure:

Employees will be informed of this policy through signs posted in buildings, the policy manual, promotional materials and will receive orientation and training. Visitors will be informed of this policy through signs and it will be explained to them by their host.

HEALTH/ Ill Child

For everyone’s well being sick children cannot be admitted to the centre. If your child is sick for three (3) consecutive days or more, a doctor’s note is required for re-entry. The doctor’s note accompanied by the child upon return should state the days when the child was absent and if the child is free of any virus etc.
A signed and fully documented medical form and emergency consent form must be present on or before the first enrolment. The completion of the medical form is requirement of the Department of Health and the Ministry of Community and Social Services. It is parent’s responsibility to provide the Centre with up-to-date medical form.

Children should not attend the child care if they have the following symptoms: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, frequent productive cough, discharge from the eyes,
Children that are ill should be monitored, seem by a physician and be symptom fee for 24 hours this includes being on prescribed medication. If there is an outbreak in the centre the parents and centre is required to follow Public Health instructions. Parents will be provided with these notices of outbreaks and children, students and staff will be required to only return 48 hours symptom free.
If your child should become ill during the day, you will be contacted and asked to make arrangements to pick him/her up. A sick child must be picked up within 1 hour after notification.
In case of an emergency your child will be taken to the nearest hospital for treatment, and you will be notified immediately.

*Please Note: The Day Nurseries Act requires that children play outside every day. If your child is too ill to participate in outdoor play, he/she is too ill to attend the centre.

Nutrition Policy

Good nutrition is vital to children's physical and mental development. A variety of nutritionally balanced, high quality foods are prepared and served on the premises each day. Meals are served family style; each child is encouraged to serve themselves and try each food that is offered. Our meals are prepared by a catering service which follows the standards set in the current Day Nurseries Act Regulations. Menus guidelines are based on Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide. All our snacks and meals are reviewed by a registered dietitian.

Nutrition Routine

In order to limit our time away from the children to promote healthy eating habits, food is available only at scheduled times. Children who choose not to eat will need to wait until the next scheduled meal or snack times. Meals and snacks times are planned so that no child will go more than three hours without being offered food. Scheduled meal times are as follows 8-8:30 morning snack,11:20-12 lunch,3-3:30 afternoon snack.


Children over the age of 18 months are provided with hot nutritious balanced lunch, light snacks are provided as well in the morning and afternoon. Parents are reminded that morning snack is not to a replacement for your child’s breakfast. Please ensure that your child has breakfast before arriving at the centre. Any outside food should not be brought into the centre and they cannot be left in their knapsacks. Parents must complete a Parent Instruction Form concerning any specific dietary needs or allergies.

*Menus are posted throughout the centre (kitchen, preschool, and toddler rooms) copies will be provided upon request.

Server food allergies cannot accommodate, arrangements will be made with parents and Executive Director to bring in food from home while taking into consideration that the centre is a NUT and PEANUT FREE.

Parents of infants will provide formula, cereal, and jarred or homemade foods for their child. Bottles must be unbreakable plastic and labeled. The infant feeding schedule Form must be completed before the first day of attendance. It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that they have an appropriate amount supply of food supplies for 5 days. All bottles will be refrigerated due to public health guidelines including water and juices; items will be discarded after 1 hour if not properly refrigerated.


It is suggested for your child’s comfort that extra sets of clothing be provided in their cubby at all times, infants require three (3) sets of clothing. Wet or soiled laundry will be rinsed and placed in a plastic bag in your child’s cubby; in this case extra clothes should be replaced the next day.
Parents are asked to bring in a small blanket for naptime. This blanket it send home every two weeks for cleaning, and should return on the following Monday.
All clothing should be labeled with your child’s name or initials including running shoes, mittens, hats, scarves and boots. Air-O-Down Child Care Centre is not responsible for loss or damage to any personal belongings left at the centre.


Parents that only use the TTC are able to leave their child’s folded stroller in the hallway all personal items are not to be left in strollers an strollers should be labeled . Please note that Air-O-Down Child Care and Downsview Secondary are not responsible for damaged or lost strollers.


Parents are responsible to ensure that there is a sufficient amount of diapers and wipes to meet their child’s needs.
Parents must ensure that the infant or Toddler is dropped off in a clean and dry diaper each day and every day.


Toilet training is a co-operative effort between a child, parent and teachers. When your child is ready for toilet training, please ensure there are plenty of training pants and clothing is available in your child’s cubbies. Parents who are toilet training their children need to ensure that the child is left in training pants and has tried the toilet before their parents depart.

It is important that the child's receives positive reinforcement for every effort and acceptance when an accident occurs. It is also usual for a child to regress periodically. We feel that it is important for the toilet training period to be a relaxed and enjoyable experience for both child and parent this toilet training; parents please note that process takes time and patience’s.

Parents are asked to bring in a small blanket for naptime. This blanket it send home every two weeks for cleaning, and should return on the following Monday.

All clothing should be labeled with your child’s name or initials including running shoes, mittens, hats, scarves and boots. Air-O-Down Child Care Centre is not responsible for loss or damage to any personal belongings left at the centre.


We ask that your hand your child's hands before the child enters the program.

In order to keep your child (ren) healthy the following well-being methods should take place to prevent further illness.

  1. Frequent baths are a must especially children who are in diapers and are toilet training and are learning to wipe themselves and keeping areas clean such as the vagina and urinary tract. This will prevent any skin irritations or infection.
  2. It is suggested that the children wear clean clothing daily especially undergarments and socks. Your child’s clothing attracts bacteria and bodily fluids throughout playtime during the day.
  3. Your child’s face should be washed and hair combed each day.
  4. Your child’s nails should be cut and filed on weekly bases in order to ensure that the children don’t hurt other children during play.
  5. Provide 2 sets of clothing for your child in order for the staff to practice hygienic procedures.
  6. Encourage your child to wash their hand often; younger infants should also have their hands washed after every diaper change.

With busy schedules our staff at the centre do their very best in keeping your child clean, they clean lots of runny noses, assisting in diaper changes, our staff also do their best to attend to toilet accidents.

**Hygiene and hand washing is a matter of protecting your child from harmful bacteria**


At the sound of the alarm, proceed immediately to the nearest door with children. Tell them that it is a fire alarm, and we need to go outside.

Walk quickly and quietly carrying those who will/cannot walk.
Make yourself aware of the fire procedure and exits for the room you are in. The toddlers and preschoolers are to be escorted out the south and southwest doors in an orderly fashion; the infants will be escorted out the same doors in either their cribs or strollers depending on where they are at the time.

Staff will ensure that their attendance book and emergency cards and emergency evacuation bins are taken. Also, turn the lights off shut windows and close doors.

Once outside cross the driveway and wait on the grassed area along the fence closet to the sidewalk, with the children in their respective groups. There must be a "head" count to ensure all children and adults are out of the building. We must wait for Downsview administration staff to give us the permission to return indoors.

Emergency Management

Air-O-Down Child Care Centre has an emergency management policy. In the event of an emergency that requires us to evacuate the childcare, the staff will walk the children to our emergency shelter:

Madonna High School located at 20 Dubray Avenue, Downsview Public Library located at 2797 Keele and Downsview Public School at 2829 Keele Street.

In case of an emergency evacuation we will follow the same procedures as the fire alarm. If we are unable to come back into the building all parents will be notified via, e-mail, phone call of our location and all parents will have to make arrangements for pick-up of their children.


An important part of Air-O-Down Child Care Centre curriculum is exposing the child to a variety of experiences within the community. Therefore, a special outing may be planned throughout the year. A notice will be posted in advance of the trip informing you of destinations, times, and dates. Children will only participate in field trips or excursions outside the centre if the permission form is completed and signed by parent(s). During the year we will also have many fun activities planned. From time to time the younger children will be involved in a number of special events and a variety of activities, you will be informed if a small fee is require.


From time to time, we may take photographs, use videos, or make recordings of your child. The photographs ect. Will be used for activities, portfolios or displays in our classrooms, and for our emergency field trip binders. They will not be used for any other reason, without your permission. Please see the permission form in your registration forms. Please note: When your children are under Air-O-Down supervision, i.e. in the classroom or playground, you may not take photographs etc. of any of the children other than your own.


Definition of Anaphylaxis

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that can be fatal, resulting in circulatory collapse or shock. The allergy may be related to food, insect stings, medicine, latex, etc.

Purpose of the Policy and Procedures

Air-O-Down Child Care Centre is committed to taking a pro-active position regarding the prevention of anaphylaxis. The purpose of the policy is to provide a process for dealing with anaphylaxis in the centre.

Strategy to Reduce Risk of Exposure

- Children with extreme allergies/restrictions that the centre cannot accommodate will be asked to bring their own food from home and continue to respect other children's allergies. The parent responsible to provide the child's food in a sealed, label containers.
- Foods with "May Contain" nut warnings will not be served.
- All labels will be read by a Staff member prior to serving.
- Staff purchasing foods on behalf of the centre must read food ingredient labels every time they purchase a product. Avoiding high risk foods such as bulk foods known to often contain an allergenic substance (e.g. peanuts/nuts in ice cream, baked goods, and ethnic foods).
- Any persons supplying food to the child care will be notified of all life-threatening allergies in the centre. List of allergies will be revised as necessary.
- All children and Staff will wash hands before and after handling food.
- If any child has eaten peanuts/nut product at home for breakfast, parents must wash their hands and faces with water and soap as well as brush their teeth well before bringing them to child care.
- Children/Staff/volunteers will be instructed to not share food.
- All surfaces will be cleaned with a cleaning solution (water and germ destroyer approved by Public Health) prior to and after preparing and serving foods.
- All cleaning supplies, medicines and any other products that may be of danger and/or commonly produce allergic reactions will be stored away.
- Garbage bins will be removed from room and emptied after lunch.
- Extra special supervision of anaphylactic children during eating (ie. sitting opposite /next to Staff).
- Playground areas will be checked and monitored for insects such as wasps. Custodian will be notified immediately and children will be forbidden to play in this area.
- Staff will take cell phone on all excursions and walkie talkies on playground.
- Consent by the child’s physician is required for any child carrying their own Epi-pen.

Communication Plan for the Dissemination of Information

- Parents will be informed at registration and by parent memos of all allergies in the centre.
- A list of all allergies and suggestions for healthy snacks will be handed out at Orientation.
- List of allergies will be posted in each room operated by the child care and on the Centres Information Board.
- Parents with children with anaphylaxis will provide an individual plan for their child prior to enrollment.

Individual Plan and Emergency Procedures

Prior to enrollment, the parent/guardian will meet with the Executive Director to provide input for the child’s individual plan and emergency procedures. This plan will include, but is not limited to:
- Description of the child’s allergy
- Monitoring and avoidance strategies
- Signs and symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction
- Child care Staff roles and responsibilities
- Parent/guardian consent for administering allergy medication, sharing information and posting Emergency Plan
- Emergency contact information
- Location of Epi-pen and back-up Epi-pen
- Physician’s note to carry own Epi-pen

Parents are requested to advise the Executive Director if their child develops an allergy, requires medication and/or of any change to the child’s individual plan or treatment. Individual Plans will be reviewed and revised with all Staff, students and volunteers prior to commencing employment and annually thereafter.

Copies of Individual Plans are in each child’s file, emergency bags, and Policy and Procedures binder and are also posted in every room operated by the child care, including child care office.

Emergency Protocol

- One person stays with the child at all times.
- One person goes for help or calls for help.
- Follow emergency procedures as outlined in child’s individual plan (ie. Administer epinephrine at first sign of reaction).
- Call 911. Have the child transported to hospital even if symptoms have subsided. Symptoms may occur hours after exposure to allergen.
- Administered Epi-pen is to accompany child to hospital.
- Administered Epi-pen is to be given to hospital employee or child’s parent for disposal.
- One calm Staff must stay with the child until parent or guardian arrives. The child’s back-up Epi-pen auto injector should be taken.


- Prior to child’s enrollment all Staff will be trained by the parent/guardian of each child with anaphylaxis.
- Prior to employment and yearly all Staff will be trained by the Executive Director or parent of each child with anaphylaxis enrolled in the centre.
- Volunteers and students will be given a handout and the Executive Director or parent will give training.
- Volunteers and Students are not permitted to administer medication unless under extreme circumstances (ie. Staff member is unconscious).
- Training will include procedures to be followed in the event of a child having an anaphylactic reaction, recognizing the signs and symptoms and administering medication.
- Staff will conduct a check to confirm child(ren) have their required medication with them before each transition (ie. moving from the class to the gym, hallway, leaving the school, outdoor, evacuations etc.)
- The Staff will be required to sign and date that they have received training.
- The Centre will keep a log on file of all training dates, trainers and Staff signatures.

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